Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolution

So....I got a computer for Christmas, I keep a journal habitually and I could possibly be going insane because of the thoughts bouncing around in my mind all day, but I decided that my life is way too entertaining and funny for just me to enjoy. Therefore, I'm going to start blogging....well, also since I love writing, its the perfect excuse to type down all the crazy things I think about. This will be like a perfect stream of consciousness for me. I can't wait. I also decided that facebook is lame and I cannot fully express everything I think and feel adequately. Yeah, yeah, a picture is worth a thousand words- but I'll give you a million words and you'll laugh harder. :) I'll put pictures on here too, I'm sure. Anyways....might as well start in. This morning I had my first world religions class and my professor, Dr. Choi, is from South Korea and has a very strong accent. Its half entertaining, half frustrating trying to understand what he's saying but at the end of every single sentence he says, "Is that right?" haha....Then while wearing my fabulous new heeled boots I got for Christmas I almost slipped several times...except not on ice, just on the sidewalk. They don't have any tread. Lovely, I'm a clutz enough as it is. At work I was listening to my Ipod and doing what I normally do, dancing like a loon and singing or mouthing along to the song while I work and no one is around. Except some guy came around the corner today as I was getting into a sweet tap dance routine so I had to stop and pretend like I was scrubbing something off the floor. Such is my life. My roomies and I decided that instead of doing homework, we wanted to go hot-tubbing....so we did. Except the complex hot tub is closed for a month so we came back to our apartment, filled up our bathtub with hot water and all jumped in for our own spa. It was quite fun.


  1. Nique, I love your new blog :) You are a great writer and I love to hear about what you are doing. Bummer about the boots. I suppose we make all kinds of sacrifices for fashion. Who knows, next time you slip, the man of your dreams might catch you! ;)

  2. Annie!! I love you! :) lol....too bad i happened to slip when I was with the current guy of my dreams. Oh well...such is life.
